10 research outputs found

    Agentes que aprenden a establecer relaciones cliente-servidor en mercados bilaterales

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    En respuesta a presiones competitivas, peque帽as y medianas empresas han comenzado a formar redes colaborativas entre ellas. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de compa帽铆a fractal basada en proyectos, en el cual los gestores de proyecto establecen relaciones del tipo cliente-servidor para negociar la asignaci贸n de un determinado recurso. Se propone la incorporaci贸n de algoritmos de aprendizaje por refuerzo a los gestores, de manera que puedan aprender a seleccionar a su socio m谩s conveniente a lo largo del tiempo, y as铆 maximizar sus beneficios.Trabajos de investigaci贸n.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Agentes que aprenden a establecer relaciones cliente-servidor en mercados bilaterales

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    En respuesta a presiones competitivas, peque帽as y medianas empresas han comenzado a formar redes colaborativas entre ellas. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de compa帽铆a fractal basada en proyectos, en el cual los gestores de proyecto establecen relaciones del tipo cliente-servidor para negociar la asignaci贸n de un determinado recurso. Se propone la incorporaci贸n de algoritmos de aprendizaje por refuerzo a los gestores, de manera que puedan aprender a seleccionar a su socio m谩s conveniente a lo largo del tiempo, y as铆 maximizar sus beneficios.Trabajos de investigaci贸n.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Las capacidades de los alumnos para el dise帽o de recursos tecnol贸gicos a medida

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    Este trabajo sintetiza el estado de la investigaci贸n que justifica la metodolog铆a utilizada, describe las actividades m谩s significativas y reporta los aportes concretos realizados por grupos de alumnos que fueron parte del proyecto. As铆, un grupo se centr贸 en la generaci贸n de aplicaciones tecnol贸gicas propias para resolver problemas planteados por c谩tedras de matem谩tica. Otro grupo se desempe帽贸 como tutores para que el uso de los laboratorios sea un espacio de formaci贸n experimental. Se describen las acciones implementadas para la integraci贸n de contenidos y se realizan nuevos aportes para que las experiencias tengan continuidad, puedan ser replicables y 煤tiles como pr谩cticas profesionalizantes en ingenier铆a

    Agent-based simulation of a project fractal company

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    In response to competitive pressures small and medium enterprises have begun to form alliances between them. This allows each company to increase their ability to react and adapt to changes in their business environment, concentrating on their core competencies, increase the availability of resources and gain economies of scale. Thus, the project-based fractal company model enables virtual and temporary integration between different companies to achieve specific business objectives. The successful implementation of the model lies in the establishment of client-server relationships between project managers. This paper analyses the use of agentbased simulation to show behaviors that emerge from the interaction of project managers and resources managers when they establish client-server relationships. To do this, use Netlogo language as a tool intends to demonstrate emergent behavior resulting from interactions between agents of the fractal company.XVII Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Agent-based simulation of a project fractal company

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    In response to competitive pressures small and medium enterprises have begun to form alliances between them. This allows each company to increase their ability to react and adapt to changes in their business environment, concentrating on their core competencies, increase the availability of resources and gain economies of scale. Thus, the project-based fractal company model enables virtual and temporary integration between different companies to achieve specific business objectives. The successful implementation of the model lies in the establishment of client-server relationships between project managers. This paper analyses the use of agentbased simulation to show behaviors that emerge from the interaction of project managers and resources managers when they establish client-server relationships. To do this, use Netlogo language as a tool intends to demonstrate emergent behavior resulting from interactions between agents of the fractal company.XVII Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Filtering Useless Data at the Source

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    There are some processing environments where an application reads remote sequential files with a large number of records only to use some of them. Examples of those environments are servers, proxies, firewall and intrusion detection log analysis tools, sensor log analysis, large scientific datasets processing, etc. To be processed, all file records must be transferred through the network, and all of them must be processed by the application. Some of the transferred records would be discarded immediately by the application because it has no interest in them, but they just consumed network bandwidth and operating system鈥檚 cache buffers. This article proposes to filter records from the source of data but without changing the application. Those records of interest will be transferred without modifications but only references to the other records will be transferred from the source to the consuming application. At the application side, the sequence of records is rebuilt, keeping the content of records of interest and filling the others with dummy values which will be discarded by the application. As the number and length of records are preserved (and therefore the file size too), it is not necessary to modify the application. Once a filtering rule is applied to a file, only the useful records and references to unuseful ones will be transferred to the application side reducing network usage, transfer time, and cache utilization. A modified (but compatible) version of NFS protocol was developed as a proof of concept.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tic

    Filtering Useless Data at the Source

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    There are some processing environments where an application reads remote sequential files with a large number of records only to use some of them. Examples of those environments are servers, proxies, firewall and intrusion detection log analysis tools, sensor log analysis, large scientific datasets processing, etc. To be processed, all file records must be transferred through the network, and all of them must be processed by the application. Some of the transferred records would be discarded immediately by the application because it has no interest in them, but they just consumed network bandwidth and operating system鈥檚 cache buffers. This article proposes to filter records from the source of data but without changing the application. Those records of interest will be transferred without modifications but only references to the other records will be transferred from the source to the consuming application. At the application side, the sequence of records is rebuilt, keeping the content of records of interest and filling the others with dummy values which will be discarded by the application. As the number and length of records are preserved (and therefore the file size too), it is not necessary to modify the application. Once a filtering rule is applied to a file, only the useful records and references to unuseful ones will be transferred to the application side reducing network usage, transfer time, and cache utilization. A modified (but compatible) version of NFS protocol was developed as a proof of concept.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tic

    Dise帽o y simulaci贸n de un planificador para sistema de virtualizaci贸n basado en Minix

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    El sistema operativo de microkernel Minix brinda un excelente entorno para incorporarle funciones de hipervisor. El presente trabajo busca dise帽ar y evaluar un planificador jer谩rquico que permita seleccionar en primera instancia la m谩quina virtual y luego el pr贸ximo proceso a ejecutar de esa m谩quina virtual. El proyecto propone un algoritmo de planificaci贸n de tipo token bucket (cubeta de fichas) para la selecci贸n de las m谩quinas virtuales y administraci贸n de los tiempos de CPU para cada una.Trabajo de c谩tedraSociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Dise帽o y simulaci贸n de un planificador para sistema de virtualizaci贸n basado en Minix

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    El sistema operativo de microkernel Minix brinda un excelente entorno para incorporarle funciones de hipervisor. El presente trabajo busca dise帽ar y evaluar un planificador jer谩rquico que permita seleccionar en primera instancia la m谩quina virtual y luego el pr贸ximo proceso a ejecutar de esa m谩quina virtual. El proyecto propone un algoritmo de planificaci贸n de tipo token bucket (cubeta de fichas) para la selecci贸n de las m谩quinas virtuales y administraci贸n de los tiempos de CPU para cada una.Trabajo de c谩tedraSociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Agent-based simulation of a project fractal company

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    In response to competitive pressures small and medium enterprises have begun to form alliances between them. This allows each company to increase their ability to react and adapt to changes in their business environment, concentrating on their core competencies, increase the availability of resources and gain economies of scale. Thus, the project-based fractal company model enables virtual and temporary integration between different companies to achieve specific business objectives. The successful implementation of the model lies in the establishment of client-server relationships between project managers. This paper analyses the use of agentbased simulation to show behaviors that emerge from the interaction of project managers and resources managers when they establish client-server relationships. To do this, use Netlogo language as a tool intends to demonstrate emergent behavior resulting from interactions between agents of the fractal company.XVII Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI